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how to get pink lips in 1 week

The look of your lips can sometimes determine how people perceive your total health and  your level of attractiveness. No one wants to kiss a partner with very dry and dark lips ,this can make some people feel uneasy but when you have a very soft and pink lips everyone might want to kiss you. having a very dry and dark lip can make people feel or conclude you are not healthy. having pink lips is almost the dreams of  every chaser of cuteness and good looks. so then the  question becomes how can I develop a very fresh and good looking lips that will attract my crush or others around me. this is a list of everything you can do to make your lips pinker in one week or less. 1.  USE TOOOTHPASTE OVERNIGHT Toothpaste has some ingredients that can enhance the redness of your lips and make it look soft and healthy.The best way to use toothpaste in getting pink lips is by applying it through the night then washing it off first thing in the morning. 2. APPLY HONEY ON TH

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